
Let's Learn from Others' Mistakes

Common Errors 


Source: Mr Raj Rishi 17-05-24 MT 39

Original Text

In the modern world, a majority of people have high hopes in their lives. They want to success and achieve something better in their lives, so if they are work on a low wages or salaries. They get unsatisfy with their jobs due to a shortage of money because after paying all expenses they have left nothing to save.



- success

- work on a low wages or salaries

- unsatisfy

Corrected version:

In the modern world, a majority of people have high hopes for their lives. They want to succeed and achieve something better, even if they are working for low wages or salaries. They become unsatisfied with their jobs due to a shortage of money because after paying all expenses, they have nothing left to save.


Improved version:

Today, most individuals aspire to greater achievements and success, striving for financial stability and advancement, even when faced with the challenge of low wages or salaries that leave little room for savings after expenses.


Original Text

Nowadays, a great many people suffer from their unsatisfactory job or a shortage of money not only their salaries and wages are limited but also they get their money in cash or credit in their bank accounts after deducting taxes, as a consequence, after paying all expenses they have left nothing to save for the future.



- their salaries and wages are limited

Corrected version:

Nowadays, many people are dissatisfied with their jobs or face financial constraints not only because their salaries and wages are limited, but also because they receive their pay in cash or credit in their bank accounts after taxes are deducted, leaving them with nothing to save after expenses.


Improved version:

In today's world, job dissatisfaction and financial strain are common, as limited salaries and post-tax earnings often result in an inability to save for the future after meeting all expenses.


Original Text

So, in this situation, people should not quit their jobs because an old says "something is better than nothing". They should accept bad situations, slowly and gradually they should find a way to get rid from it.



- says "something is better than nothing"

- bad situations

- get rid from it

Corrected version:

Therefore, in such circumstances, people should not quit their jobs because an old adage goes, "something is better than nothing." They should accept challenging situations, and slowly but surely find a way to get rid of them.


Improved version:

In challenging times, it's wise not to resign from one's job, heeding the old adage that "something is better than nothing," and instead, work towards improving difficult circumstances gradually.


Original Text

On the other hand, doing part-time jobs can I also be a great way to earn some extra money in their off working hours. Because I think doing part-time jobs after office hours is a best way to learn new skills and acquire knowledge about something new or in a particular field, which helps them to grow in their work or business, and it is also a better way to earn some extra money to overcome the shortage of money.



-  I also be a great way to earn some extra money

- I think doing part-time jobs after office hours is a best way to learn new skills

Corrected version:

On the other hand, taking up part-time jobs can also be a great way to earn some extra money during off-work hours. Engaging in part-time work after office hours is an excellent way to learn new skills and gain knowledge in a specific field, aiding in personal growth and business development, as well as providing a means to supplement income.


Improved version:

Pursuing part-time employment during leisure hours presents an opportunity not only to augment one's income but also to acquire new skills and knowledge, fostering professional growth and financial resilience.


Original Text

In conclusion, people should always looking forward to the betterment of their lives. If they suffer from a bad situation, first, it is best to accept then think how can I get rid from this. They should always keep trying for moving ahead to be successful.



- looking forward to the betterment

- how can I get rid from this

Corrected version:

In conclusion, people should always look forward to bettering their lives. If they are in a difficult situation, it is best to first accept it and then consider how to get rid of it. They should always keep trying to move ahead and be successful.


Improved version:

Ultimately, individuals should continually strive for self-improvement and progress. Facing adversity, one should embrace the challenge, seek solutions, and persistently pursue success.