
Let's Learn from Others' Mistakes

Common Errors 


Source: Mr Vishal  26-06-24 Day 12

Original Text

The Pie chart illustrates an the electricity produce in Germany and France.



- an the (should be 'the')

- produce (should be 'produced')

Corrected version:

The pie chart illustrates the electricity produced in Germany and France.


Improved version:

The pie chart illustrates the electricity production in Germany and France.


Original Text

A noticeable difference in the nuclear energy between France and Germany.



- A noticeable difference in the nuclear energy (should be 'There is a noticeable difference in nuclear energy production')

Corrected version:

There is a noticeable difference in nuclear energy production between France and Germany.


Improved version:

There is a significant difference in nuclear energy production between France and Germany.


Original Text

In Germany the nuclear power head just over a 5th while in France they just over three quarter in comparison to renewable resources in Germany over than a fifth and France just less than.



- the nuclear power head (should be 'nuclear power accounts for')

- just over a 5th (should be 'just over a fifth')

- they just over three quarter (should be 'it is just over three quarters')

- in comparison to renewable resources in Germany over than a fifth and France just less than (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

In Germany, nuclear power accounts for just over a fifth, while in France, it is just over three quarters. In comparison, renewable resources in Germany account for over a fifth, and in France, just less than a fifth.


Improved version:

In Germany, nuclear power accounts for just over a fifth, whereas in France, it constitutes just over three quarters. In comparison, renewable resources make up over a fifth of Germany's electricity production, while in France, they account for slightly less than a fifth.


Original Text

After renewable France produce 4 5th of hydroelectric source and Germany more than 5th.



- After renewable (awkward phrasing)

- France produce 4 5th of hydroelectric source (should be 'France produces four-fifths of its hydroelectric power')

- Germany more than 5th (should be 'Germany produces more than a fifth')

Corrected version:

France produces four-fifths of its hydroelectric power, while Germany produces more than a fifth.


Improved version:

France generates four-fifths of its electricity from hydroelectric sources, whereas Germany generates more than a fifth from the same source.


Original Text

Biomass source of France is just you just 8.1% while the Germany had almost four times higher than France.



- Biomass source of France is just you just 8.1% (should be 'Biomass in France accounts for just 8.1%')

- while the Germany had almost four times higher than France (should be 'while in Germany, it is almost four times higher')

Corrected version:

Biomass in France accounts for just 8.1%, while in Germany, it is almost four times higher.


Improved version:

Biomass in France accounts for just 8.1% of electricity production, whereas in Germany, it is nearly four times higher.


Original Text

In all type of renewable resources in Germany had the highest portion of percentage except in hydroelectric energy.



- In all type of renewable resources (should be 'In all types of renewable resources')

- in Germany had the highest portion of percentage (should be 'Germany had the highest percentage')

- except in hydroelectric energy (should be 'except for hydroelectric energy')

Corrected version:

In all types of renewable resources, Germany had the highest percentage, except for hydroelectric energy.


Improved version:

Germany had the highest percentage of all types of renewable resources, except for hydroelectric energy.


Original Text

In contrast, France hydroelectricity was the most dominant renewable resource at 80%, while wind and solar energy were negligible at 10% and 5% respectively.



- France hydroelectricity (should be 'France's hydroelectricity')

- was the most dominant renewable resource (should be 'was the dominant renewable resource')

Corrected version:

France's hydroelectricity was the dominant renewable resource at 80%, while wind and solar energy were negligible at 10% and 5%, respectively.


Improved version:

In contrast, France's hydroelectricity was the dominant renewable resource at 80%, while wind and solar energy were minimal at 10% and 5%, respectively.


Original Text

The pie chart clearly show the different approaches to electricity generation in Germany and France in 2009, with France relaying on nuclear sources and Germany using a diverse range of sources.



- show (should be 'shows')

- relaying (should be 'relying')

Corrected version:

The pie chart clearly shows the different approaches to electricity generation in Germany and France in 2009, with France relying on nuclear sources and Germany using a diverse range of sources.


Improved version:

The pie chart clearly illustrates the different approaches to electricity generation in Germany and France in 2009, with France relying heavily on nuclear sources and Germany utilizing a diverse range of sources.