
Let's Learn from Others' Mistakes

Common Errors 


Source: Mr Mohit 01-07-24 MT 01

Original Text

The table displays the contribution rate of females in senior management positions in Eldan Ltd, Bamforth Ltd, and Finsbury Ltd from 1975 to 2015.



- displays" should be "shows

- contribution rate" could be rephrased for clarity

- females" should be "women" or "female representation" for consistency

Corrected version:

The table shows the percentage of women in senior management positions in Eldan Ltd, Bamforth Ltd, and Finsbury Ltd from 1975 to 2015.


Improved version:

The table shows the percentage of female representation in senior management positions in Eldan Ltd, Bamforth Ltd, and Finsbury Ltd from 1975 to 2015.


Original Text

A most noticeable trend is the increase in participation rate of women in the first two companies, while the last followed the fluctuant trend.



- most noticeable" could be rephrased for clarity

- participation rate" could be rephrased for consistency

- fluctuant" should be "fluctuating

Corrected version:

A clear trend is the growing percentage of women in the first two companies, while the last followed a fluctuating trend.


Improved version:

A distinct trend emerges, with the percentage of women increasing in the first two companies, while the last company follows a fluctuating trend.


Original Text

In 1975, Eldan Ltd contained 3% of women, while Bamforth Ltd and Finsbury Ltd was at, 9 and 16 percent, respectively.



- contained" should be "had

- was at" should be "had

- percent" should be "%

Corrected version:

In 1975, Eldan Ltd had 3% women, while Bamforth Ltd and Finsbury Ltd had 9% and 16%, respectively.


Improved version:

In 1975, Eldan Ltd had a female representation of 3%, while Bamforth Ltd and Finsbury Ltd had 9% and 16%, respectively.


Original Text

Surprisingly, the figures for Eldan Ltd had doubled its amount in 1990 and grew dramatically to 64% in 2015 and became the highest compared to other companies.



- doubled its amount" should be "doubled to

- grew dramatically" could be rephrased for clarity

- compared to other companies" is unnecessary

Corrected version:

Surprisingly, the figures for Eldan Ltd doubled to 6% in 1990 and surged to 64% in 2015, becoming the highest.


Improved version:

Surprisingly, Eldan Ltd's female representation doubled to 6% in 1990 and increased significantly to 64% in 2015, reaching the highest percentage.


Original Text

On the other hand, percentage of female in Bamforth Ltd continued to rose by 2% in every 15 years until 2000, and reached to its peak at 46%.



- continued to rose" should be "continued to rise"

- reached to" should be "reached"

- its peak" could be rephrased for clarity

Corrected version:

On the other hand, the percentage of women in Bamforth Ltd continued to rise by 2% every 15 years until 2000, and reached its highest point at 46%.


Improved version:

On the other hand, Bamforth Ltd's female representation continued to increase, rising by 2% every 15 years until 2000, and reaching a high of 46%.