
Let's Learn from Others' Mistakes

Common Errors 


Source: Ms Avleen  25-06-24 Day 23

Original Text

The graph illustrates the number of imprisonment in different five countries-Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, United State and Canada.



- number of imprisonment (should be 'number of imprisonments')

- different five countries (should be 'five different countries')

- United State (should be 'United States')

Corrected version:

The graph illustrates the number of imprisonments in five different countries: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada.


Improved version:

The graph depicts the number of imprisonments in five distinct countries: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada.


Original Text

The data is represented in thousand and five years data are shown in graph.



- in thousand (should be 'in thousands')

- five years data are shown in graph (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

The data is represented in thousands, and data for five years are shown in the graph.


Improved version:

The data is presented in thousands, with figures for five different years illustrated in the graph.


Original Text

In 1930, Canada have highest number of imprisonment around the 120 thousand and lowest in that year number of criminals in Great Britain at 23 thousand.



- have (should be 'had')

- number of imprisonment (should be 'number of imprisonments')

- around the 120 thousand (should be 'around 120 thousand')

- lowest in that year number of criminals in Great Britain at 23 thousand (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

In 1930, Canada had the highest number of imprisonments, around 120 thousand, while Great Britain had the lowest number of criminals, at 23 thousand.


Improved version:

In 1930, Canada recorded the highest number of imprisonments, approximately 120 thousand, whereas Great Britain had the lowest, with 23 thousand.


Original Text

As we seen, that the United State and New Zealand had equally with 100 thousand, but Australia is also around 70 thousand.



- As we seen (should be 'As we have seen')

- the United State (should be 'the United States')

- had equally with 100 thousand (awkward phrasing)

- is also around 70 thousand (should be 'was also around 70 thousand')

Corrected version:

As we have seen, the United States and New Zealand had equal numbers, with 100 thousand each, while Australia was also around 70 thousand.


Improved version:

As observed, the United States and New Zealand each had 100 thousand imprisonments, while Australia had approximately 70 thousand.


Original Text

In next two years, between 1940 and 1950, United States and Canada highly touch from 100 to 120 and other three territory had lowest imprisonment.



- In next two years (should be 'In the next two decades')

- highly touch from 100 to 120 (awkward phrasing)

- other three territory (should be 'other three territories')

- had lowest imprisonment (should be 'had the lowest imprisonment rates')

Corrected version:

In the next two decades, between 1940 and 1950, the United States and Canada significantly increased from 100 to 120, while the other three territories had the lowest imprisonment rates.


Improved version:

In the following two decades, from 1940 to 1950, the United States and Canada saw significant increases in imprisonment numbers, rising from 100 to 120 thousand, whereas the other three territories maintained the lowest imprisonment rates.


Original Text

During 1960 and 1970, Canada and United State also be like the before two years 40's and 50's there. Is little bit of comparison.



- United State (should be 'United States')

- also be like the before two years 40's and 50's there (awkward phrasing)

- Is little bit of comparison (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

During the 1960s and 1970s, Canada and the United States were similar to the previous two decades, the 1940s and 1950s. There is a slight comparison.


Improved version:

In the 1960s and 1970s, Canada and the United States exhibited trends similar to those of the 1940s and 1950s, with only slight variations.


Original Text

At the year of 1970, we again observe Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand had equal number of Criminals with 70 thousand but other two country fell down compare by before 4 years.



- At the year of 1970 (should be 'In 1970')

- equal number of Criminals (should be 'equal numbers of criminals')

- other two country (should be 'other two countries')

- fell down compare by before 4 years (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

In 1970, we again observe that Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand had equal numbers of criminals, with 70 thousand, but the other two countries fell compared to the previous four years.


Improved version:

In 1970, Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand each had 70 thousand imprisonments, while the numbers in the other two countries declined compared to the previous four years.


Original Text

In last year 80's highest arrested shown in United State around 35 thousand which most highly seen and other three equal same but Australia leave out low.



- In last year 80's (should be 'In the last year of the 1980s')

- highest arrested shown in United State around 35 thousand which most highly seen (awkward phrasing)

- other three equal same but Australia leave out low (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

In the last year of the 1980s, the highest number of arrests was shown in the United States, around 35 thousand, which was the highest seen, and the other three were equal, but Australia was the lowest.


Improved version:

In the final year of the 1980s, the United States recorded the highest number of arrests, approximately 35 thousand, while the other three countries had equal numbers, and Australia had the lowest.


Original Text

In conclusion, highly imprisonment is Canada and United State and Australia is lowest which was shown in graph.



- highly imprisonment (should be 'highest imprisonment')

- United State (should be 'United States')

- is lowest which was shown in graph (awkward phrasing)

Corrected version:

In conclusion, the highest imprisonment rates are in Canada and the United States, and Australia has the lowest, as shown in the graph.


Improved version:

In conclusion, Canada and the United States had the highest imprisonment 120 rates, while Australia had the lowest, as depicted in the graph.